Course Maps

Our 10 mile, 22, 42 mile, and 62 mile race distances are shown below as well as a map of the start/finish and parking. At the bottom are clickable links for each race distance for use on bike computers.

When they become available we will post more route links for for other navigation devices. Below are the links we have now.

Farm Bureau The Ben Crooks Agency 10 Mile – Actual climbing amount is in the 325 ft. range
Garmin Conect

Renay Deering-Horton ReMax 22 Mile – Actual climbing amount is in the 700 ft. range
Garmin Connect
Ride With GPS

Buist Electric 42 Mile – Actual climbing amount is in the 1400 ft. range
Garmin Connect

Albion Investment and Loan 62 Mile – Actual climbing amount is in the 2300 ft. range
Garmin Connect

Longjohn 100 Mile – Actual climbing amount is in the 4000 ft. range
Garmen Connect